Sunday, January 29, 2012

“Shut up and teach.” A music teacher on the limits and possibilities of our union and teachers’ voice. « Fred Klonsky

“Shut up and teach.” A music teacher on the limits and possibilities of our union and teachers’ voice. « Fred Klonsky:

“Shut up and teach.” A music teacher on the limits and possibilities of our union and teachers’ voice.

New York music teacher Eric Shieh:

If you ask me what needs to happen, I have a few suggestions. First, unions need to widen their discourse beyond bread-and-butter issues like compensation and work environment. Teachers must be able to engage seriously and continuously in their profession’s discussions of evaluating teacher quality, of developing standards and curriculum, of allocating resources. Only then will we see substantive engagement, and not the kinds of rushed reactions I’ve seen recently from New York City teachers over the current teacher-evaluation debates.

Second, in order to do this, leaders of all teacher professional associations must do a better job of organizing teacher voice. Here there is fault in our unions and our professional associations, which for too long have served as top-heavy lobbying organizations. Small, local associations such as