Sunday, January 29, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Getting Desperate over at LEV

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Getting Desperate over at LEV:

Getting Desperate over at LEV

Every week, LEV's leader, Chris Korsmo does a column at their webpage. She tries pretty hard to be funny but it usually falls somewhat flat. (If you are not a naturally funny writer, efforts to be funny just don't work.) This is part of what she had to say this week on charter legislation:

I don’t know about you, but if one more person tells me that they wish we could do something about theachievement gap, but bringing public charter schools to Washington will only help a few kids, somethin’s gotta give. I swear I’m going to go buy every copy of Schindler’s List I can find and hand them out like a human Pez dispenser.

Here's my reply: