Wednesday, December 28, 2011

School Tech Connect: I Love A Parade

School Tech Connect: I Love A Parade:

I Love A Parade

I'm back. The miracle of modern rest and ginger ale! Since this is the first day I've felt human in a week, I'm going to spend it outside-- rewarding Scout with a trip to the forest preserve. The dog has not left my side in five days, except discreetly to use the yard, and to triage visitors with growls of warning.

Meanwhile, I found this gem from the past. I once taught in a school where Hebrew was taught and there was also a lot of Go, Israel on the menu. It was a wonderful place--- I gave fewer tests in seven years there than in any single year of public school. But never mind that for now.

The important thing is that everyone occasionally flubs a bulletin board. And English vowel combinations are