Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blue Jersey:: The Cerf Charter Report Countup Clock!

Blue Jersey:: The Cerf Charter Report Countup Clock!:

The Cerf Charter Report Countup Clock!

Governor Christie may have told ACTING DOE Commissioner Cerf to back off on his plan to introduce morecharter schools into Christie's suburban base. But charters are still part of the plan - even though we don't have the data from Cerf to determine if they really work.

See, Cerf caught a lot of flack last winter when he released a report about charter schools' "successes" that didn't take into account the make up of the charters' student bodies. In other words, Cerf's report didn't show whether charter schools were succeeding by "cream skimming" - taking fewer children with special needs or limited English proficiency than schools in the surrounding neighborhoods.

Many people objected, including scholars like Matt DiCarlo and Bruce Baker, and reporters like Bob Braun of the