Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nearly 1,000 charter schools in state | Thoughts on Public Education

Nearly 1,000 charter schools in state | Thoughts on Public Education:

Nearly 1,000 charter schools in state - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

With a net addition of 70 schools this year, 7 percent of California students – about one in 14 students – now attend a charter school. In Los Angles Unified, it’s more than one in 10 students; in Oakland, it’s one in five. The California Charter Schools Association released its annual census on Tuesday. There are [...]

UC picks protest investigators - by Kathryn Baron

The University of California has tapped former Los Angeles police chief William Bratton to lead the investigation into the pepper spraying of UC Davis students during a nonviolent protest last week. UC President Mark Yudof also named Christopher Edley, Jr., dean of UC Berkeley law school, to head an examination of police policies and practices at [...]