Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Katehi: Campus police were told not to use force against students - Sacramento Bee #ows

Katehi: Campus police were told not to use force against students - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee:

Katehi: Campus police were told not to use force against students

As the tent city on the University of California, Davis, tripled in size, Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi insisted Tuesday that the school's police department defied her orders when it used force against students in last week's pepper-spray fiasco.

Eva Whaley-Mayda, speaking on campus Tuesday, holds a box of signatures calling on Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi to resign. Whaley-Mayda said she was pepper-sprayed on

Sac State students don't have to bring snacks for professor

Students of Sacramento State professor George Parrott won't have to supply snacks anymore in order to be taught psychology.

California Teachers Association opposes Think Long Committee's new tax measure

A sweeping tax overhaul unveiled this week by a billionaire-backed coalition of political leaders has drawn fire from the California Teachers Association, one of the most influential groups at the Capitol and on the campaign trail.