Monday, November 7, 2011

Missouri’s Top Educator Tells Imagine Charter Schools to Close; Could it Happen in Florida? | Scathing Purple Musings

Missouri’s Top Educator Tells Imagine Charter Schools to Close; Could it Happen in Florida? | Scathing Purple Musings:

Missouri’s Top Educator Tells Imagine Charter Schools to Close; Could it Happen in Florida?

There’s more trouble for Dennis Bakke, the CEO of Imagine Schools. Missouri’s Commissioner of Education told Imagine’s state sponsor that the low performing and financially strapped schools should close. In response to a letter from Missouri Baptist University, Chris Nicastro wrote:

“We do not view it as the intent of the Missouri General Assembly that the department engage in intrusive regulatory oversight of charter schools, or to perform the administrative responsibilities of the sponsor. However, it appears from your public statement that MBU desires our recommendations in this matter. Let me be specific:

“1) Announce immediately that the Imagine charter schools will close at the end of the current