Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Kos: Finding Freedom in Handcuffs

Daily Kos: Finding Freedom in Handcuffs:

Finding Freedom in Handcuffs

is an absolute must read from Chris Hedges, written in the aftermath of his having been arrested at Occupy Wall Street. It was originally published today at Truthdig, and can be read here at Common Dreams.

I have few words of my own to add. And I find it difficult to excerpt, it is so superbly written.

To persuade you to read it, and pass it on, consider this, his opening paragraph:

Faces appeared to me moments before the New York City police arrested us Thursday in front of Goldman Sachs. They were not the faces of the smug Goldman Sachs employees, who peered at us through the revolving glass doors and lobby windows, a pathetic collection of middle-aged fraternity and sorority members. They were not the faces of the blue-uniformed police with their dangling cords of white and black plastic handcuffs, or the thuggish Goldman Sachs security personnel, whose buzz cuts and dead eyes reminded me of the East German secret police, the