Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tell Us Your Story! eForum on Jobs | Democrats -Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives

eForum on Jobs | Democrats -Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives:

Tell Us Your Story!

Welcome to the Education and the Workforce Democrats’ eForum on jobs! We are exploring a number of proposals to put Americans back to work, including proposals made by the President to fund construction-related jobs in school repair and modernization, jobs in public education, including teaching positions, and job training and reemployment assistance to the unemployed.

(Click here to read excerpted stories)

To evaluate these proposals, Congress needs to hear your stories. This fact-finding forum is designed to gather information to help Congress understand conditions on the ground in communities across the country. To start, we would like to hear from individuals with direct experience in the areas ofconstruction, education, and long-term unemployment. We welcome submissions on any of the following:

Have you or someone in your family lost a job, particularly in construction or education? Has job loss threatened your home or your family’s health care? Are you struggling to find work or to acquire new skills? Tell us your story.

How have budget cuts in education affected your life or work? If you are a parent of a child in public schools, how have those cuts affected your children? Are schools or community colleges in your community in need of repair or modernization? Tell us your story.

Do you see a need for construction work in your community that is not being done for lack of funding? Tell us your story.

What kind of access do you have to job training or reemployment assistance programs? Is it sufficient? Tell us your story.