Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teach for America Displays Taken Down in Portland and Seattle Apple Stores | Seattle Education

Teach for America Displays Taken Down in Portland and Seattle Apple Stores | Seattle Education:

Teach for America Displays Taken Down in Portland and Seattle Apple Stores

According to a previous post on this blog, Parents Across America, Seattle: Part of Protest at Apple Store:

Steve Jobs with Apple has gotten on the ed reform bandwagon and is offering free iPads to Teach for America recruits but of course none to real teachers who have teaching experience, degrees in education and have devoted their lives to their school communities. Nope, this is for the TFA, Inc. recruits with five weeks of training to teach to the test and nothing more. I guess they need some sort of way to track all of those test scores.

Check out this great video titled An Apple a Day for TFA.

The protest happened on August 13, 2011.


Part 1