Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Educated Reporter: Can Ed Reformers Learn From Netflix? Blogger Russo Gets It Right

The Educated Reporter: Can Ed Reformers Learn From Netflix? Blogger Russo Gets It Right:

Can Ed Reformers Learn From Netflix? Blogger Russo Gets It Right

Like many education reporters, I'm a longtime fan of Alexander Russo's blog, This Week in Education. His news roundups are always more than just a rehash of headlines, his tidbits salted with just the right degree of snark.
Russo also has a knack for connecting dots in unusual, and effective, ways. A perfect example is his take on what education reformers could learn from Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix.
As Russo wrote Monday, Hastings -- responding to missteps by the company in reshaping its business model -- "deserves credit for doing two things that almost no education reform leaders seem willing to do," which is