Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Walton Family Funded Group, a Hedge Fund BIllionaire, and Circumventing the Political Process in Connecticut | Scathing Purple Musings

A Walton Family Funded Group, a Hedge Fund BIllionaire, and Circumventing the Political Process in Connecticut | Scathing Purple Musings

A Walton Family Funded Group, a Hedge Fund BIllionaire, and Circumventing the Political Process in Connecticut

The usual suspects and the same sleezy business model have emerged in Connecticut. And another day,another hedge fund billionaire looks to throw his money around in the coporate takeover of education.

Using a similar template as that from Washington DC and New York City goes the route of billionaire hedge funder Steve Mandel in a bid to give Bridgeport, Connecticut’s school board oversight to the mayor. The parties were put together by a group funded by $1.3 million from the Walton Family Foundation. From the Connecticut Post:

HARTFORD — A consultant for a Greenwich billionaire interested in education reform was