Thursday, August 4, 2011

Meaningful Student Involvement in Education Reform

Meaningful Student Involvement in Education Reform

STUDENT VOICE IN EDUCATION REFORM There are school systems where students are being engaged as leaders in education reform. Following are examples and resources highlighting specific efforts where educators have worked with students to improve schools through education reform programs. Examples | Tools | Info about Ed Reform

Meaningful Student Involvement Def: Engaging students as partners in educational planning, research, teaching, evaluating, decision-making, advocacy, and more.

There are three criteria for being included on this list:

  1. Student-Inclusive Leadership - The activities are driven, led, or guided by students.

  2. Education System-Focused - The activities are led by or equally partnered with district or state education agencies.

  3. Sustained Activity - The action does not stop after a single event or process.

EXAMPLES of Student Voice in Education Reform

Portland Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Student Body Presidents and/or their representatives from every High School and Middle