Thursday, August 4, 2011

Localization Not Centralization | Truth in American Education

Localization Not Centralization | Truth in American Education

Localization Not Centralization

Jason Glass, the director of the Iowa Department of Education, gave a speech to School Administrators from across the state. What he said in his speech (of which he transcribed his remarks on his blog) I could mostly agree. We agree on the question – “can our schools be better than they are today?” I’m in wholehearted agree with him that yes they can.

I agree that educator quality must improve, and that “innovation must become an institution.” I also applaud Director Glass for taking the time to listen to those around the state about how education in Iowa can best be improved and for allowing a free market of ideas. I also agree with his desire to reform educator pay.

And the agreement stops when he said:

Let me preface any “plan” that we might design with the notion that Iowa must move from being a fractured system of schools to being a school system. For too long we have left too much to chance that each individual school district would provide a world class education to each and every