Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Education Ape: 8-4-11 AM tests will survive, even if school doesn't

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now
Big Education Ape: Ed News Now EDition
Published by Coopmike48 – 5 news spotters today

Cutting Progams For The Poor After Cutting Off Their Legs - August 4th, 2011 - by: Danny Coming: This week on News Dissector Radio, Friday at 1 PM on Guest: Jeff Madrick, author of The Age Of Greed, The Triumphs of Finance and t...


City Ending Overnight Aid for Homeless - Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration will shut down its overnight emergency services shift for the homeless and lay off 24 employees in the city’s Department of Family and Support Services. The ...


Debt deal sucks: A killer for education -  A start of something big? (M. Klonsky pic) Save our schools The Obama/Boehner debt-ceiling deal is disaster capitalism at its worst. Republicans, with help from the White House, and using ...


The new tests will survive, even if school doesn't - Dolores Umbridge, Assistant Secretary of Education, US Department of Education, reassured educators and parents today that the huge budget cuts mandated by the new budget agreement will not harm ou...


Diane Ravitch at Save Our Schools - Those of us involved in organizing the Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action know it would not have happened without the strong support of Diane Ravitch. She supported us early and of...


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EducationSee all

Voucher testing data takes a new twist - March 30, 2011 | A day after the release of state test scores showed voucher-school students in Milwaukee achieving lower levels of reading and math proficiency than students in Milwaukee Public Sc...


SocietySee all

Bloomberg to Use Own Funds in Plan to Aid Minority Youth - The administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, in a blunt acknowledgment that thousands of young black and Latino men are cut off from New York’s civic, educational and economic life, plans to s...


Bloomberg declares tenure is not needed in public schools - Less than two years after pledging that he did not want to end tenure, Mayor Bloomberg struck a different chord today. “Do I think it’s needed at the public school level? No,” he said today. The st...


PoliticsSee all

Debt Bill Is Signed, Ending a Fractious Battle - WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Tuesday to raise the government’s debt ceiling and cut trillions of dollars from its spending, concluding a long and fractious partisan battle just hours before the go...


Tea Party’s War on America - You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have wage...


StoriesSee all

Happy, At The End of The Day - Nice catch over at Fred's. I've said it before-- I'm not a member, but if I were a member, I'd suspend that status until there were a specific change down in Springfield. Let's go to the tape, sha...


TOO MUCH INFORMATION « Teachers Fight Back - TOO MUCH INFORMATION « Teachers Fight BackTOO MUCH INFORMATIONby alkleenThe Chicago Tribune Newspaper, otherwise known as “Teacher Bashing Central”, has long been advocating that the Chicago publi...


Art & EntertainmentSee all

I’ve got a major Matt Damon jones. « Fred Klonsky's blog - I’m a 63 year-old straight teacher who thinks Matt Damon is hot. Me and Anderson Cooper can both swoon together. If you haven’t seen the video of Damon talking to some local dumb-ass reporter and a...


BusinessSee all

Insight: Microsoft use of low - By Lynnley Browning FAIRFIELD, Connecticut | Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:14pm EDT FAIRFIELD, Connecticut (Reuters) - If you want to know why tax from surging corporate profits isn't making much of a dent in...


Stock Market Continuing to Drop - Business - The stock market slide after yesterday's debt deal compromise was signed by President Obama is continuing this morning: "Stocks turn sharply lower, led by a sell-off of energy companies. Dow off by...


#eduRead this paperSee all

TOO MUCH INFORMATION « Teachers Fight Back - TOO MUCH INFORMATION « Teachers Fight BackTOO MUCH INFORMATIONby alkleenThe Chicago Tribune Newspaper, otherwise known as “Teacher Bashing Central”, has long been advocating that the Chicago publi...


Candi's Blog: Why I Must Continue To Fight For Teachers - Candi's Blog: Why I Must Continue To Fight For TeachersWhy I Must Continue To Fight For Teachersby Candi PetersonWritten by Candi PetersonAs the General Vice President of the Washington Teachers’ U...


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  • leoniehaimsonleoniehaimson
  • DianeRavitchDianeRavitch
