Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Urban Teacher's Education: In Pursuit of Hope

An Urban Teacher's Education: In Pursuit of Hope

In Pursuit of Hope

“..without an education, these undocumented children, ‘[a]lready disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of English-speaking ability, and undeniable racial prejudices,...will become permanently locked into the lowest socio-economic class.’”
- The US Supreme court’s opinion in Plyler v. Doe (1981), quoting the District Court

This past year, my work in the company of recently arrived Latin American immigrants has turned my expectations on their head. Apathetic attitudes were surprisingly rare. Behavioral problems as well. Issues, concerns, academic problems - of course they existed. But given confident and meaningful instruction, my students often worked dutifully in class.

As is always the case in teaching, my students likely taught me more than I could have ever taught them. Their awe-worthy perseverance, their testament to the drive of the indefatigable human spirit makes one pause.

Trains, vans, desert treks, rafts, “coyotes.” They've