Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: What "Reformers" Really Want

Jersey Jazzman: What "Reformers" Really Want

What "Reformers" Really Want

This video of corporate reformer Jonah Edelman has been causing a stir in the edu-blogosphere this weekend. You may not want to watch the whole thing (it's down below), as it gets into the weeds of a specific political fight taking place in Illinois over "Senate Bill 7," but it is instructive for a larger reason. Here's a breakdown:

Edelman's group, Stand for Children (these guys really have no shame, do they?), outlines why SB7 is the greatest thing for kids since the polio vaccine. It's the same old reformy pap: "... teacher effectiveness is the number one in-school factor determining student learning..." is always a clue that you're in for the same old "reforms." Test scores for evaluations, gutting tenure, principals getting more say in hiring... and, of course, lots of tests, tests, tests!

What's fascinating here is the ruthlessness and self-regard that Edelman evinces. Basically, when the