Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch We are in Washington to Save Our Schools and We Want Answers! - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

We are in Washington to Save Our Schools and We Want Answers! - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

We are in Washington to Save Our Schools and We Want Answers!

For me, the journey to today's Save Our Schools March started when I wrote an open letter to President Obamaraising serious questions about where we are headed with education reform in America. Those questions have still not been answered.

Yesterday I had a chance to ask Arne Duncan a question, after his "Working Toward 'Wow'" speech. What I asked him was this:

I worked in high poverty schools in Oakland for 24 years. The turnover rate for our interns is 75% after three years. Your proposal for the reauthorization of ESEA continues to label the bottom 10% of our schools as failures. Under these circumstances, who will choose to teach in these high poverty schools? Doesn't this contribute to the crisis in our profession?

Though Secretary Duncan responded, I