Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch Educator and Activist Marion Brady:

Educator and Activist Marion Brady:

Educator and Activist Marion Brady: “Education Reform: Wrong Diagnosis, So Wrong Cure”

“We must start with the recognition that, despite decade after decade of
reform efforts, our public schools have not improved.” (Photo Illustration: Troy Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted from: Dr. Television and
noneck / flickr)

Sooner or later, a reluctant Congress is going to have to do something about replacing No Child Left Behind. If senators and representatives will listen, they’ll learn why Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s “Race to the Top” initiative is a really bad idea, and why thoughtful educators think politicians, business leaders and wealthy philanthropists are bulls in the education china shop.

Back in the 1980′s, corporate America, listening to privatizer Milton Friedman, came storming into the shop, not