Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch Report from DC – parents are powerful

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Report from DC – parents are powerful

Haven’t had a minute yet to report out on the SOS March and PAA activities, left the connector for my camera at home and my wonderful new smart phone is so dumb it has to take a nap every four hours, so I am stuck with 20th century technology until I get home.

Will have lots of pictures from our visit to Capitol Hill Thursday, and today’s great workshop day including keynote speech by Diane Ravitch. And yes, I did get a picture with Matt Damon’s mom, and she looks just like him (she corrected me – “he looks like me.”).

Parents Across America received a great compliment today from a 40-year teacher who said that in all his time in education, PAA is the best thing he has seen come along.

We have met so many parents and others who are just glad we are here, and it makes us glad, too.

So tired, sore feet – so ready to march!