Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch InsideEd: Local educators to rally in 'Save our Schools' march-

InsideEd: Local educators to rally in 'Save our Schools' march - Education news and issues in Baltimore that affect students and teachers, from kindergarten to college -

Local educators to rally in 'Save our Schools' march

Local educators will join thousands from around the country in rallying for public education in the nation's capital on Saturday, at the 'Save our Schools' march. The march, described by organizers as a grass-roots campaign to put the "public' back in public education," is estimated to draw thousands of parents, educators and vocal education advocates.

The event will also feature speakers known for sounding off on the most controversial of education topics, including a representative of the American Federation of Teachers (the parent organization of the Baltimore Teachers Union), as well as as Jonathan Kozol, Diane Ravitch, José Vilson, Deborah Meier and Monty Neill. The march also drew the attention of Hollywood, and will feature Matt Damon.