Friday, July 1, 2011

School Tech Connect: Defining Terms in the Whittier Story

School Tech Connect: Defining Terms in the Whittier Story

Defining Terms in the Whittier Story

This is Part 2 of yesterday's report.

It occurred to me yesterday in Pilsen that the word "library" has different meanings to different people.

For example, at The Nettelhorst School in Lakeview, they have what I would call a library, and a nice one at that. 9,600 volumes, a staff media specialist, rich programming. It's virtually impossible to drill far enough into a public data to find out how the library is funded, but it's funded. It's the kind of library that is basically seen as the norm for an elementary school in America.

The library at Whittier is a different type of thing. It's basically a book storage room, stocked with donated books, and staffed by volunteers. They make do on no budget, and they also let their library stay open each evening for