Friday, July 1, 2011

The big push and the hard sell. « Fred Klonsky's blog #NEARA11

The big push and the hard sell. « Fred Klonsky's blog

The big push and the hard sell.

Some day the story will be told of why NEA President Dennis Van Roekel decided to push for a first time ever presidential endorsement a year ahead of time.

I don’t get it. Those that support it are luke warm. Those that are against it are pissed.

I am convinced Obama would have received the official endorsement next RA. But this just seems smelly and manipulative by many delegates.

And that it is not in the bag is confirmed by this morning’s Illinois Caucus meeting. First a pro-Obama speech by the NEA VP Lily Eskelsen. Then who? Why DVR himself, with a speech declaring that our very future depends on an endorsement NOW! Then John Stocks comes to the podium. Stocks is the incoming Executive Director.

David Brooks provides humorous relief.

The NEA RA in Chicago will go on until next Tuesday. This is a long affair. The first two days are mainly logistical discussions within the state caucuses.

So a little humorous relief is good and welcomed.

And David Brooks, the house right-wing doofus on the op-ed page of the NY Times provided it this morning.

I can never read a Brooks column without recalling his ode to William Buckley when Buckley finally died a few