Monday, July 4, 2011

OpEdNews - Article: Corporate America And The GOP Are Partnering To Hijack Our Democracy

OpEdNews - Article: Corporate America And The GOP Are Partnering To Hijack Our Democracy

Corporate America And The GOP Are Partnering To Hijack Our Democracy

I generally attempt to stick to writing about issues and examining them from both sides while trying to discover sensible solutions. I also tend to shy away from conspiracy theories from both sides of the political spectrum. However a confluence of events has developed that has been troubling me greatly. It began to pick up steam and showed itself much more after the swearing in of Barack Obama as President of the United States in 2009. He had won a convincing victory in November 2008 with a clear advantage in campaign funding. Naturally President Obama had an agenda that he had campaigned on and his administration immediately began work to fulfill it. The Republicans and the Far Right felt demoralized and began searching for ways to rebound. Conservative leaders began meeting in private in an effort to develop strategies to stop this perceived Democrat juggernaut. The results of these clandestine meetings have culminated now in Wisconsin and several other states and they are disturbing me greatly. Some of these