Monday, July 4, 2011

#NEARA11 convention, mixed feelings among teachers for Obama ahead of 2012 vote - The Washington Post

At NEA convention, mixed feelings among teachers for Obama ahead of 2012 vote - The Washington Post

At NEA convention, mixed feelings among teachers for Obama ahead of 2012 vote

(Carlos Javier Ortiz/FOR THE WASINGTON POST) - Lately, the solutions to all of education’s troubles seem to boil down to a refrain: “Blame it on the teacher who works her tail off for 14 hours a day,” says retired Montgomery teacher Jane Stern.

CHICAGO — When her union endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, retired Montgomery County teacher Jane Stern wrote checks to his campaign and spent hours calling voters in swing states to support a Democrat she though would stand strong for public schools and break from a federal education policy of “testing, testing, testing.”

Three years later, all the standardized tests are still there. In some places, they are beginning to be used to fire teachers. Lately, Stern said, the solutions to all of public education’s