Monday, July 4, 2011

#NEARA11 Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Holding your nose and closing your eyes.

The big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New Business Items that are notorious time sucks.

A good amount of RA time today was spent on a proposal on accountability and teacher evaluation. It was a terrible proposal that was a feeble attempt by the NEA to respond to the current wave of reformy legislation.

IEA President Ken Swanson went to the microphone and gave a screeching speech that left delegates in their seats. Apparently he thought the proposal justified his sellout support for Illinois’ SB7, which replaced seniority with RIFs based on student test scores.

The proposal is fantasy in that it calls for something that doesn’t and can’t exist: “Scientific and valid” measures