Monday, July 4, 2011

#NEARA11 Daily Kos: Putting the NEA endorsement of Obama in context

Daily Kos: Putting the NEA endorsement of Obama in context

Putting the NEA endorsement of Obama in context

it will be portrayed by some as "overwhelming" when it in fact was quite underwhelming.

Let's provide some historical context for elections since 1988.

1988 Dukakis got 86%

1992 Clinton got 88%

1996 Clinton got 91%

2000 Gore got 86.5%

2004 Kerry got 86.5%

2008 Obama got 79.8%

2011, Obama got 72%.

Unlike Clinton, in his endorsement for reelection Obama dropped 7.8%, while Clinton went up 3%.

And Obama's percentage in 2008 was already the lowest in the past 5 elections.

This is far from "overwhelming" support by historical standards.

But there is more to consider -