Tuesday, June 7, 2011

School Tech Connect: Back To The Phones

School Tech Connect: Back To The Phones

Back To The Phones

The legendary Julie Woestehoff has a great little smorgasbord of things everyone can do tomorrow, all of which would take about ten minutes, max.

I'm on it. What with the pension attack I've sat on the sideline of SB620, and it really needs to get signed by the Governor now that he's done finding something to prop up Gery Chico for another couple of years.
There is no reason to believe Governor Quinn will not sign the bill, but it is imperative you call or email him to remind him how important SB620 is to you, your children, your school and our State elected officials who voted in favor of the substance of the bill and that this needs to become law. You may call him at 217-782-0244 or email him through his website: http://www2.illinois.gov/gov/Pages/ContacttheGovernor.aspx. You can even ask for a date in which he’ll be signing the bill. PURE
SB620 would shine a lot of sunlight on the CPS planning process; it's a good counterweight to the plague of mayoral control. CCH has a nice little summary here.

Read the piece; it's nice to read something hopeful once in a while.