Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Define “insulting” « Failing Schools

Define “insulting” « Failing Schools

Define “insulting”

JUNE 7, 2011
by mariasallee
Was this an excerpt from The Onion or did Arne Duncan really say
“Diane Ravitch is in denial and she is insulting all of the hardworking teachers, principals and students all across the country who are proving her wrong every day.”?
It sure sounds as if he did if you can read the entirety of the woefully misinformed June 3rd Bloomberg piece by Jonathan Alter without getting sick to your stomach. In reference toRavitch’s questions regarding reports of “miracle” results at schools such as Denver’s Bruce Randolph School, Colorado Senator Mike Johnston is quoted by Alter as follows:

Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action, July 30, 2011