Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You're invited to a conversation on K-14 Budgeting with Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg.

Sen. Darrell Steinberg
Senator Darrell Steinberg

Budget Crunch: Without Tax Extensions what might happen to Public Education?Live Internet Town HallYou're invited to a conversation on K-14 Budgeting with Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg.

The outcome of the state budget will impact school district funding across California, potentially including the Prop 98 school funding guarantee. Are Californians willing to accept tax extensions to stabilize our schools? Without additional revenue will California be able to educate its children?

Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg would like you to join him in this conversation. As part of the Senate Democratic Caucus' outreach effort during budget negotiations, Senator Steinberg wants to hear from K-14 education leaders throughout the state.

Please join Senator Steinberg and a panel of invited guests for a live internet town hall on Thursday, June 2, 2011. The webcast will last about one hour and he will solicit and answer questions from around the state.

The proposed budget continues drastic reductions in state services and expenditures, and demonstrates the need for additional stable revenues for long-term budget solutions. Senator Steinberg and the Senate Democratic Caucus remain committed to delivering those long-term solutions and putting California's fiscal house in order.

Live Internet Town Hall
Budget Crunch: Without Tax Extensions what might happen to Public Education?
When:Thursday June 2, 2011
Time:7:00 p.m.

For more information, or to submit questions, please visit http://www.senate.ca.gov/steinberg.

California State Senator Darrell Steinberg - Sixth Senate District
Representing the Capital Region
Web site: http://www.senate.ca.gov/Steinberg
E-mail: Senator Darrell Steinberg
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814
District Office
1020 N Street, Room 576
Sacramento, CA 95814