Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Week In Education: Best 5 Blogs: Ravitch Apologizes To Gist (Sorta)

This Week In Education: Best 5 Blogs: Ravitch Apologizes To Gist (Sorta)

Best 5 Blogs: Ravitch Apologizes To Gist (Sorta)

Esq-j-crew-ludlow-suit-052011-lgMinnesota inches closer to banning Common Core Kathleen Porter-Magee: The Minnesota Commissioner will not be able to adopt common standards in any other content area, no matter how good those standards may be... Political Andywonk: Underneath all the chattering there is a quiet consensus among some key players that current law – with all its problems – is preferable to a law that only focuses on 5 percent of the schools... Illinois Is Proving any State Can Change its Schools Suzanne Kubach: A dozen or so leading citizens, backed by local and national philanthropy, put Illinois on this path to becoming a national leader in education reform, distinguishing its approach from its neighbor... VideoGate, Day 7 Jay P. Greene: There is something self-serving and potentially insincere about Ravitch’s generic denunciation of “the spirit of meanness that now permeates so much of our