Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PAA endorses the Student Bill of Rights « Parents Across America

PAA endorses the Student Bill of Rights « Parents Across America

PAA endorses the Student Bill of Rights

May 20, 2011 No Comments ›› pureparents

The education “reformers” have been trying their darndest to get the nation to ignore the real crisis in American education: resource inequality.

Thanks to Representative Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania, we have an opportunity to get school reform back on track and do the one thing that will make a real difference, especially for the most at-risk children.

Rep. Fattah has re-introduced a bill that he originally filed back in 2002. The Student Bill of Rights is a powerful statement of what we adults owe our children, and what we must demand from our lawmakers and officials.

It’s the accountability bill that the “standards and accountability” folks don’t want to see passed.

The Student Bill of Rights puts it this way:

The standards and accountability movement will succeed only if, in addition to standards and accountability, all schools have access to the educational resources necessary to enable students to achieve. Raising standards without ensuring adequate and equitable access to educational resources may, in fact, exacerbate achievement gaps and set children up for failure. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002, the United