Tuesday, May 31, 2011

LAUSD- "I Don't Have to Show You Latinos No Stinking Education" - Perdaily.com

LAUSD- "I Don't Have to Show You Latinos No Stinking Education" (LAUSD: "No tengo para demostrar que los latinos no apesta Educación") - Perdaily.com

LAUSD- "I Don't Have to Show You Latinos No Stinking Education" (LAUSD: "No tengo para demostrar que los latinos no apesta Educación")

(Mensaje se repite en Español)

(For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)

At the root of public education's generational failure to educate Latino and Black students in this country is the unrelenting not so subliminal message that these young people are inferior and cannot learn.

While it was bad enough when this kind of pernicious racism was practiced exclusively by Whites against Latinos and Blacks, what now makes it worse are institutionally de facto racist entities like the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), which have succeeded in co-opting elements within the Latinos and Blacks