Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Last Week's Best Posts on Big Education Ape » PostRank


Road Trip With Alfie Kohn « The Core Knowledge Blog

Road Trip With Alfie Kohn « The Core Knowledge BlogRoad Trip With Alfie Kohnby Robert PondiscioApril 28th, 2011Tags: Alfie Kohn, Curriculum, urban educationPosted in Core Knowledge, Curriculum, Education Practice | 2 Comments »OK, teachers. Raise your hand if Alfie Kohn has ever set foot in your classroom and witnessed you drilling your students with rote memorization or handing out worksheets all day. Anyone? One of the very first pieces I wrote for this blog concerned Alfie Kohn and his insistence ...

Education reform effort targets achievement gap | California Watch

Education reform effort targets achievement gap | California WatchEducation reform effort targets achievement gapby Ellen HuetEllen HuetCEFutcher/istockphoto.comA new federal education commission aimed at reforming school financing recently launched its public outreach with a first stop in California.The 27-member Equity and Excellence Commission, established in February, is focused on closing the achievement gap that separates poor, mostly black and Latino students from their more affluent, largely white peers. It hopes to raise public awareness and generate discussion, with the goal of ...

Ravitch: When reformers reject data they don’t like - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Ravitch: When reformers reject data they don’t like - The Answer Sheet - The Washington PostRavitch: When reformers reject data they don’t likeBy Valerie Strauss--This was written by education historian Diane Ravitch for her Bridging Differences blog, which she co-authors with Deborah Meier on the Education Week website. Ravitch and Meier exchange letters about what matters most in education. Ravitch, a research professor at New York University, is the author of the bestselling “The Death and Life of the Great ...

The Dictators are coming, The Dictators are coming,

We Party Patriots » Blog Archive » 132 Cities, 26 Townships and 16 Villages Eligible for Takeover Under Snyder’s Financial Martial La 132 Cities, 26 Townships and 16 Villages Eligible for Takeover Under Snyder’s Financial Martial LawPlease note that the criteria were farmed from an old law, PA 346 of 1966. Yes, 1966. Now, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that in the past, these criteria were used to not only help struggling communities, but to enable enterprise ...

The Rhee and Scott Walker tag team set to appear at a Tea-Party backed convention

The Rhee and Scott Walker tag team set to appear at a Tea-Party backed conventionThe Rhee and Scott Walker tag team set to appear at a Tea-Party backed conventionby adminMichelle Rhee and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, big stars in the ultra-right wing firmament, will be featured at the arch-conservative American Federation for Children’s summit on May 9th in Washington, DC. Rhee haspublicly supported Walker’s education agenda.AFC is closely linked to Tea Party figures and funders, the Koch Brothers, and currently ...

Vermont Moves Toward Single-Payer Healthcare - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Vermont Moves Toward Single-Payer Healthcare - E.D. Kain - American Times - ForbesVermont Moves Toward Single-Payer HealthcareApr. 26 2011 - 7:01 pm | 0 views | 0 recommendations | 0 commentsOne more reason to move to Vermont:In a move that will no doubt cheer conservative states-rights advocates (OK, I’m kidding), the Vermont Senate passed a billyesterday that will move the state toward a single-payer health system. Since it had already been passed by the state House, the two bills just ...

President called for personal sacrifice

Yes, and we must prepare, all of us prepare, to make the sacrifices that the emergency -- almost as serious as war itself -- demands.Whatever stands in the way of speed and efficiency in defense, in defense preparations of any kind, must give way to the national need.A free nation has the right to expect full cooperation from all groups.A free nation has the right to look to the leaders of business, of labor, and of agriculture to take the ...

A Funny Thing Happened At Work Today | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

A Funny Thing Happened At Work Today | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher DisgruntlementA Funny Thing Happened At Work Todayby mrteachbadI liked my job.This was highly unlikely because it was the first day after spring break. I have had a pit of bitter anxiety about this day. It had been growing in my stomach, honestly, since before spring break even started. I would think to myself it will be so awesome to be on spring break; no kids. administrators, lesson ...

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Oakland charter schools to date

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Oakland charter schools to dateOakland charter schools to dateby The Perimeter PrimatePlease add any corrections in the comments section. -- Thanks. OAKLAND CHARTER SCHOOLS TO DATENumber of charter schools approved to open (by OUSD, county, or state) = 50Number of revoked or abandoned charter schools = THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Oakland charter schools to date