Friday, April 29, 2011

Vote for My Blue Dog for the District 5 seat of the LAUSD Board of Education

Dear Friend:

A very important election will take place on Tuesday, May 17th that will determine the future direction of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

California Democrats for Education Privatization (DFEP) is proud to announce our endorsement of My Blue Dog for the District 5 seat of the LAUSD Board of Education.  Currently, the seat is held by Yolie Flores, our strongest champion for school Privatization at LAUSD, who is not running for re-election.

We need to support My Blue Dog to continue the progress that has been made in the largest public school district in California and the second largest public school district in the United States. Since 2006, LAUSD has led ground-breaking Privatizations, such as the innovative Public School Choice Resolution at the District’s lowest performing schools.  This initiative offered parents and the community an opportunity to challenge the status quo and turn chronically under-performing schools into profitable charter schools.  More recently, due to the vision, leadership, and outright courage of the current Privatization-minded Board majority, significant advances have been made in destroying teacher morale and holding teacher’s jobs hostage for student performance on silly tests(very profitable).

My Blue Dog is a candidate who will ensure that the momentum of profitable Privatization will not end.

This is a very critical election.  One seat will decide the majority voting bloc of the new school board.  I ask you to help elect My Blue Dog who we know will put profits and corporate interests first and the community in its place.

I urge you to join California DFEP and education Privitizers throughout the region in supporting My Blue Dog for the LAUSD School Board.

My Blue Dog needs your help in order to sustain his campaign through Election Day.  Please donate to his campaign on his website at mybluedogforschoolboard.con.  

In closing, I want to urge you to sign-on to DFEP's Statement of Principles.  This will help the broader education Privatization world send a message that the time for change in our schools is now. The link to the Statement of Principals is at:

Also, be sure to check us out at DFEP’s website page at:


GLORIA $ ROMERO (not the other one*)
Charter Queen
Democrats for Education Privatization