Monday, April 4, 2011

This Week In Education: Campaign 2012: Power Politics 101 #p2 #solidarity #wiunion

This Week In Education: Campaign 2012: Power Politics 101

Campaign 2012: Power Politics 101

image from mjcdn.motherjones.comStill not entirely certain how we got to Scott Walker less than two years after Barack Obama and the Democrats won election? Wondering if and how Obama can get his mojo back in time for 2012? Mother Jones contributor Kevin Drum has a fascinating take in his cover story (Whaat Wisconsin Is Really About) noting among other things (a) the historic role of labor on middle class issues that had little to do with pay and working conditions (b) the many ways the late 1960's) split between labor and the Democratic party (I blame Mike Klonsky) hurt both of them (not just labor), and (c) the role big