Monday, April 4, 2011

The letter from the University of Wisconsin’s senior counsel to the Wisconsin Republican Party on their request for Professor Cronon’s emails. « Fred Klonsky's blog

The letter from the University of Wisconsin’s senior counsel to the Wisconsin Republican Party on their request for Professor Cronon’s emails. « Fred Klonsky's blog

The letter from the University of Wisconsin’s senior counsel to the Wisconsin Republican Party on their request for Professor Cronon’s emails.

April 1, 2011

Stephan Thompson
Republican Party of Wisconsin
148 East Johnson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Dear Mr. Thompson:

I am writing on behalf of and as legal counsel for the University of Wisconsin-Madison in response to your records request e-mailed to me and dated March 17, 2011. By that request, you seek various e-mails written or received by UW-Madison Professor William Cronon through his university e-mail account beginning on January 1, 2011. You specifically seek e-mails that reference 20 words, terms and names of individuals that all appear to be related to current political events in Wisconsin.

At our request, Professor Cronon immediately undertook a search of all of his accumulated e-mails for the specific words, terms and names as you stated them in your request. The university’s legal staff then reviewed all of the identified e-mails to determine which ones must be made available to you pursuant to the Wisconsin