Tuesday, April 5, 2011

solidaridad: Readers speak out on Ben Austin, Parent Revolution, and Green Dot Public Schools

solidaridad: Readers speak out on Ben Austin, Parent Revolution, and Green Dot Public Schools

Readers speak out on Ben Austin, Parent Revolution, and Green Dot Public Schools

"This is a legitimate threat to the school district. And this is how we have to play to be heard. This is going to steamroll." — Mary Najera (hostile takeover specialist, Parent Revolution/Green Dot Corporation)

Report Green Dot's Ben Austin on the City Ethics Commission Complaint Form Online
We get a lot of comments and emails on the foppish millionaire from Benedict Canyon, school privatization pusher and poverty pimp Ben Austin. Here are a few of interest, demonstrating how much of a pariah he is in our communities:

CarolineSF said...
An underdog with an array of billionaires, checkbooks at the ready, to fund its every move, and with the avid support of the president of the U.S., the governor of California, and so on? That really is an interesting new definition of "underdog."

This is a good piece, though there's one erroneous notion behind it: the assumption that Rose and Austin actually believe in the principles they extol. Both are paid