Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Roxanna Elden: Your Friend and Mine | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Roxanna Elden: Your Friend and Mine | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Roxanna Elden: Your Friend and Mine

There is a magical book called See Me After Class: Advice for Teachers, by Teachers.

The author is Roxanna Elden. (Disclosure: I do not know Ms. Elden personally. I receive no commissions, etc. I just like her book.) Elden has been teaching for a long time. She is an experienced and highly accomplished teacher. You can read about Roxanna and her work and BUY THE BOOK on her website.

Reading this book, I immediately felt I had a sense of the author and that, as a teacher, she was on my side. She knows this job inside and out, and she has thought hard about it. (And she provides many anecdotes from other teachers that will make you feel a whole lot less inadequate.) But rather than just bitching and moaning, like me, she offers a fresh set of eyes on ordinary problems and recommends realistic ideas to deal with real classroom issues. She readily admits that there are no magic bullets not every idea works with every teacher’s personality. She just offers the fruits of experience and smarts to address the shit-storms that naturally occur in our classrooms every day in grade school, middle school (bless you people), and high school. It speaks to all of