Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Right-wing ally fails to rehabilitate Rhee

Right-wing ally fails to rehabilitate Rhee

Right-wing ally fails to rehabilitate Rhee

Rhee last week tried to rehabilitate her tattered reputation in the aftermath of a USA Today investigation on massive tests cheating and two blue ribbon studies on the not too miraculous DC achievement (read them hereand here). She appears to have failed.

Her defender, ultra-conservative Paul Peterson of Hoover Institute and Harvard, attacked the USA Today investigation and the academic studies by the National Academies of Science (National Research Council) and Dr. Alan Ginsburg, former director of program and policy, US Department of Education. (http://educationnext.org/the-case-against-michelle-rhee/)

Dr. Ginsburg called Peterson’s defense of Rhee factually and analytically wrong:

Peterson’s work has often come under fire from respected colleagues. Some say his unbridled enthusiasm for