Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Big Education Ape: 4-19-11 Supreme Leader Rahm Picks Brizard

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

preaprez.wordpress.com - Rahm Emanuel’s choice for new CPS boss. In February, Rochester teachers voted no confidence in their superintendent. Now he has come to Chicago.An overwhelming number of Rochester teachers take a s...

bigeducationape.blogspot.com - In Praise of Factory Education | Tran|ScriptIn Praise of Factory Educationby Michael CaulfieldYes, I know the title is a bit #slatepitches. But I really mean it.As some of you know, I work at the s...

schoolsmatter.info - The NY Daily News ran a pro-NCLB piece written by Sandy Kress, but they neglected a good deal of relevant information. Nowhere does the DN mention that Kress is a lobbyist for Pearson (a beneficiar...

dailykos.com - That is what Michael Winerip writes about in today's New York Times in a piece titled In Public School Efforts, a Common Background: Private Education Let me list those whom he mentions: Three o...

chicagomag.com - Posted Apr 18, 2011 at 03:29 PM By Whet MoserWell, you can't say that mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel is afraid to court controversy: his pick to run the Chicago Public Schools, Jean-Claude Brizard, just ...


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democratandchronicle.com - Jean-Claude Brizard has been announced as the new head of schools in Chicago.Rochester school board President Malik Evans said this morning that Brizard would likely announce his resignation as Roc...

michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - But who will have the real power? Jean-Claude Brizard "leaves Rochester not as a conquering hero, but as a controversial figure whom teachers and parents accused of an autocratic style of leadersh...

azcentral.com - Apr. 19, 2011 12:00 AM It seems as if the Arizona Department of Education and our legislative leaders might want to step up and take responsibility for the decline in "existing" school enrollment (...

news.firedoglake.com - The only thing wrong with Paul Krugman’s column today is that he doesn’t mention David Brooks by name. But you can see Brooks in every inch of this critique of whiny Republicans who, when challenge...

michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - A rare day. Three interesting articles in today's Sun-Times 1.. "Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically"The super rich pay a lot less taxes than they did a couple of decades ago, and nearl...

thedailyriff.com - Connect the Dots"Rather than nation-building over in Afghanistan, we ought to be doing be doing more nation-building in the United States."- MSNBC Morning Joe, April 18, 2011Thought this was inter...

salon.com - This is the first post in our new partnership with Imprint. To learn more, go here. Greetings, taxpayers! Here's a fine excuse to look up from your pained calculator-stabbing and blood-smeared Form...

beinglatino.wordpress.com - by Libby Juliá Vázquez Back in November I wrote an article for Being Latino titled Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is a lesbian? in response to the outcry over a mother allowing her son to wear a ‘girl’s’ Hallow...

bluecheddar.wordpress.com - by bluecheddar This is footage from the ”Rally Supporting Labor Over Billionaires (SLOBs) and to Recall Grothman” held in Saukville last weekend. Senator Chris Larson delivers a conversational, fun...

blogs.forbes.com - EducationApr. 19 2011 - 2:05 am | 0 views | 0 recommendations |By E.D. KAIN Arizona governor, Jan Brewer (via wikipedia)Arizona governor Jan Brewer has vetoed two controversial pieces of legislatio...

articles.boston.com - “It’s a difficult time to be Chinese,” says Wong, a scientist who develops medical therapies. “There’s a lot of jealousy out there, because the Chinese do very well. And some people see that as a t...

northjersey.com - N.J. man gets prison term for civil rights threats TRENTON — A New Jersey man has been sentenced to 50 months in prison and three years' supervised release for sending threatening emails to employe...

blog.angryasianman.com - If you're in Southern California, or have plans to be in Los Angeles at the end of the month, I want to make sure you're aware and have the opportunity to attend the inaugural C3: The Conference fo...

24ahead.com - Ladies and Gentlemen, it's with a heavy heart that I bring you today's post. I didn't want to have to write this post, and I didn't want to have to think about what I'm going to reveal. However, so...

scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - April 18, 2011 | Posted At: 05:24 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Best of the Blogs & Pundits On laws and effects that aren’t so Sherman Dorn: I don't think the corrupting effects of high ...

hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - El cuerpo necesita una nutrición apropiada para evitar las enfermedadesSegún un experto, bajar de peso puede ayudarlo a reducir su riesgo de cáncer si tiene sobrepeso u obesidad, pero no todos los ...

womensenews.org - For over a year, nursing women have had the right to take breaks to express breast milk during the workday if they work for certain employers. But until both parties can agree on health care reform...

sfgate.com - (04-17) 23:06 PDT KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -- Schools across Malaysia are giving students another reason to dread their report cards by grading them on their weight. The move is part of a govern...
