Friday, April 1, 2011

Huge bi-partisan support for taxing the rich to fix budget. Plan B? : SFGate: Politics Blog

Huge bi-partisan support for taxing the rich to fix budget. Plan B? : SFGate: Politics Blog

Huge bi-partisan support for taxing the rich to fix budget. Plan B?

Think the budget negotiations are dead? Get ready for something that could contribute to a Plan B: Tax the rich.

We just got our hands on a new poll due out Friday that shows blow-the-roof-off support for something that has only been mumbled about in the most progressive corners of the Dome: Increasing taxes one percent on Californians making more than $500,000. It would raise $2.5 billion towards the state's $26.6 billion deficit.

We explored this issue weeks ago, but few would talk it up then. But now, they might.

How high is the support? Try a whopping 78 percent. Even 60 percent of Republicans and 79 percent of independent and other voters backed it, too.

"Those are the highest numbers I've ever seen. On a tax scale -- that's pretty much a perfect

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