Friday, April 1, 2011

Fixing Open Enrollment | Thoughts on Public Education

Fixing Open Enrollment | Thoughts on Public Education

Nordic tracking in California schools - by Kathryn Baron

An announcement is due any day now on whether Finland will take over California’s ailing public school system. Gov. Jerry Brown has reportedly been in secret negotiations with the European nation, long considered to have one of the best school systems in the world. As always, the Governor is holding the specifics of the talks – [...]

Fixing Open Enrollment - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Although it is not as well known yet as its fraternal twin, the Parent Trigger, Open Enrollment was the other reform that the Legislature rushed into law last year to jazz up the state’s application to the Race to the Top competition. And like the Parent Trigger, it’s a fine idea whose passage in haste [...]