Monday, March 21, 2011

Big Education Ape: 3-21-11, Special PM #wiunion Edition #p2 #WEAREWI

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

#wiunion - Wisconsin Atty. Gen. J.B. Van Hollen is appealing Dane County Circuit Court Judge MaryAnn Sumi's temporary stay of the new union-busting law enacted by Republicans and already conservative pundits ...

coopmike48 - The controversy surrounding Wisconsin State Sen. Randy Hopper and his girlfriend in Madison has now reached Scott Walker as well. It turns out that Walker helped the woman get a state job, at a tim...

coopmike48 - Emails obtained from Gov. Scott Walker show public wrote him in support of budget repair bill The Isthmus ...However, a significant number of these emails came from outside Wisconsin...Gov. Mitc...

coopmike48 - DAVE ZWEIFEL | Cap Times editor emeritus | | | Posted: Monday, March 21, 2011 7:00 am One of our city’s unsung civic organizations is Historic Madison Inc., whose m...

coopmike48 - January 28, 2011 - McClatchy-Tribune

coopmike48 - When labor activists showed up at Wisconsin State Sen. Randy Hopper's front door to harass him about the anti-union bill before the state legislature, they got a juicier reaction than they would ha...

coopmike48 - – March 21, 2011Posted in: Announcements Public hearings are being held at the Capitol on Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. for three Senate bills related to public education. Show up at the hearings to...

coopmike48 - I've noticed a pattern lately in all of the discussion about teacher quality. Nobody seems to want to ask an obvious question: How big of a problem is it that some "ineffective" teachers are tenure...

coopmike48 - News | www.kochwatch.orgThom Hartmann: A Conservative who got mugged WATCH ON YOUTUBE:Ouachita River Keeper WATCH ON YOUTUBE:The Cap Times: Grass Roots: Fallout on veterans fuels insider critique o...

coopmike48 - Republicans planning a coup - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.comGOP coup: Party planning union-busting all overStephen GoldsteinBio | E-mail | Recent columns134Share2diggTopicsFinanceExecutive BranchRe...

coopmike48 - Local 344 members sign recall petitions at the union office. Wisconsin's Teamster locals are putting some muscle behind the drive to recall eight of the Senate Republicans who voted to end collecti...

coopmike48 - by bluecheddar This is a very good day. That’s because I found 5 Solidarity Shopper Coupons by Michael Martin on facebook! HERE’s where I found all 5 of these little deal-breakers. llll Posted...

coopmike48 - Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Ala.) is sponsoring HR 205, The Geometric Simplification Act, declaring the Euclidean mathematical constant of pi to be precisely 3. The bill comes in response to data ...

coopmike48 - Mar 2011 21 Much has been written about income inequality, tax breaks for the wealthy, and the increasing burden being placed on the backs of the middle class through rhetorical calls for “shared s...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSLIV...

coopmike48 - Greta Van Susteren wrote on her blog that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Republican lawmakers made a crucial mistake in their attempt to enforce their controversial collective bargaining b...

coopmike48 - No surprise that a poll sponsored by a pro-school choice group found that a majority of Milwaukee people polled favored expanding the program by removing income limits for eligibility.Why wouldn't ...

coopmike48 - State Rep. Jeff Stone, the Scott Walker clone running to replace him as Milwaukee County executive, has been rying to keep his distance from Walker ever since the governor's poll numbers plunged in...

coopmike48 - Wisconsin’s Recall-ready Senator Hopper: Clean affair, dirty government. | blue cheddar.Wisconsin’s Recall-ready Senator Hopper: Clean affair, dirty government.BY BLUECHEDDARThis has little to do w...

coopmike48 - All content on this site © 2006-2010 by each individual author, All Rights Reserved. Designed, Hosted, and Published by Cruiskeen Consulting LLC

coopmike48 - Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch (R-St. Michael) is asked if cutting Local Government Aid and school integration funding is unfairly attacking the state’s cities. Koch replies that integration fundi...

coopmike48 - Mar 2011 21 ProsserEqualsWalker.comThe website Prosser=Walker has laid the foundation for the argument that Supreme Court judge David Prosser, who is seeking re-election on April 5th, is closely al...

coopmike48 - The AFL-CIO is a voluntary federation of 56 national and international labor unions and represents workers from all walks of life. Together, we seek to improve the lives of working families to brin...


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coopmike48 NY Times on Budget Cuts: Cuomo Takes Easy Way Out, Illogically Caters to Special Interests « EdVox #Edu2 minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Sweetwater High strategy wins robotics competition - - 1 minute ago · reply

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coopmike48 FB RT: Class Size Matters Gotham Gazette: Comptroller to audit DOE spending on online learning; w/ties to IB… (cont) minutes ago · reply - My guest today is John Peck, Executive Director of Family Farm Defenders. Welcome to OpEdNews, John. Many farmers in Wisconsin (and beyond) are supporting union workers in the standoff in Madison. ...

coopmike48 - Eight-nine percent of emails from Wisconsin addresses to Gov. Scott Walker opposed his budget-repair bill. That little nugget of importance is buried below the lead of today's Milwaukee Journal Sen...

coopmike48 - "We never go out to lunch anymore. We never socialize in any way... There needs to be more authentic ways to bring people together."-- Justice David Prosser, in an interview with the Baraboo News R...

coopmike48 - Quick, take a few seconds and vote "strongly disapprove of Walker" in this online poll by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Then pass it on to everyone you can think of. This poll was started by Rep...

coopmike48 - In our efforts to form a more perfect Union we look to the Constitution for guidance for how we might shape the form and function of Government; many who seek to interpret that document try to do s...

coopmike48 - Here's a great explainer about what's at stake in Wisconsin. It isn't just collective bargaining rights for government workers. As Rally Girl reports, Firefighters have protested. Police have prot...

coopmike48 - – March 21, 2011Posted in: Our Voices A behind-the-scenes look at Defend Wisconsin’s volunteer efforts in the latest video from Blue cheddar: a Progressive blog in Wisconsin. A huge thank you to ou...

coopmike48 - by bluecheddar I made this roughly 3 minute video. William had a lot more to say, which will make its way onto this blog as additional audio recordings —but for now, a video will do. (It’s 11:45p...

coopmike48 - WSJ: John Russo, labor studies professor at Youngstown State University, a "politics of resentment" may be in play."There's a sense of hopelessness," he says. "Some people feel like, 'If we're not ...

coopmike48 - Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser and Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson Newly released emails reveal that Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, a close Republican ally of anti-w...

coopmike48 - Mar 2011 21 The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee has launched an ad taking on Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Daniels has held on to hopes for a Presidential bid but has also admitted that...
