Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Kids Can’t Wait! | Connected Principals

My Kids Can’t Wait! | Connected Principals

My Kids Can’t Wait!

“If you don’t like the way the world is, you change it.

You have an obligation to change it.

You just do it one step at a time.”

– Marian Edelman

#Edreform is one of the hashtags that I follow closely on twitter. There are some amazing people who post about the need for reform in education. I also spend a lot of time reading, thinking, and speaking about next steps in the field of education. I’m a strong advocate for reform and I believe that we need to make some major changes in the way we approach both learning and leading. While I believe that change needs to occur; my kids can’t wait for it to happen on a national level.

As a teacher and a leader I have an obligation to make it happen today. After all, it is the only day we are guaranteed. We need to make it happen locally while we grow it nationally. The most significant changes in regards to teaching and learning in your school or district began as an idea in someone’s classroom.