Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Answer Sheet - What Rhee’s comments about her children say about her

The Answer Sheet - What Rhee’s comments about her children say about her

What Rhee’s comments about her children say about her

Suddenly parenting styles are in the news, thanks to Yale law professor Amy Chua’s new book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” which espouses Chinese traditions of child rearing that, in Chua’s case, included rejecting her kids’ homemade birthday cards for their lousy quality and forcing one of her daughters to do 2,000 math problems a night after she came in second in a math competition. (Why didn’t you and I think of that?) Now we hear from Michelle Rhee, former D.C. schools chancellor and rock-star school reformer, who recently said the following about her two children and aptitude for soccer: