Friday, November 12, 2010

This Week In Education: AM News: State Using Edujobs Money For Other Purposes

This Week In Education: AM News: State Using Edujobs Money For Other Purposes

AM News: State Using Edujobs Money For Other Purposes

Federal Education Money to Be Used to Offset Cuts AP/Edweek: State Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek told school superintendents Wednesday that their districts won't receive an expected infusion of $147 million in federal education money... Rape charge against Detroit student dropped after accuser commits suicide Boston Herald: Principal Donovan Rowe said school officials investigated the alleged bullying and found nothing overt. Rowe said on occasion he walked behind Samantha as she went from class to class and witnessed no harassment... Title 9 Advocacy Group Reports Schools In Violation NPR: The National Women's Law Center filed complaints Wednesday against school districts across the country, accusing them of violating Title 9's nearly 40-year-old guarantee of equal athletic opportunities for girls. Some of the districts say the complaints are based on old data but that they'll work to remedy any problems. That might not be easy in a down economy that's forcing many districts to cut teachers and education programs.