Friday, November 12, 2010

Schools Matter: Jay's Missing Footnote for Today's KIPP Ad

Schools Matter: Jay's Missing Footnote for Today's KIPP Ad

Jay's Missing Footnote for Today's KIPP Ad

As the oligarchs' leading print media promoter for more tests, more charter chain gangs like KIPP, and more data to back up the data that produces the data, Jay Mathews uses his WaPo column to pump these causes on a daily basis. Today he returns to a snippet from a 2008 SRI California study of KIPP schools to make the case for longer school days:
On the longer-school-day side, we have programs such as KIPP, whose charter middle schools usually have nine-hour school days that last until 5 p.m., plus required three-week summer school and many Saturday sessions. A survey of KIPP students who completed the middle school program showed a 42 percentile gain in math and a 28 percentile gain in reading over four years.
Actually, Jay has chopped off a half hour for some reason (embarrrasing maybe?), since the study he refers to above, “San Francisco Bay Area KIPP Schools: A Study of Early Implementation and Achievement,” clearly notes the 9.5 hour school day (almost half of which is spent on math and reading), the 60 percent increase in