Saturday, November 27, 2010

Critics Blast Compromise Over City Schools Chancellor Pick -

Critics Blast Compromise Over City Schools Chancellor Pick -

Critics Blast Compromise Over City Schools Chancellor Pick

By: NY1 News

Critics of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's choice for the next schools chancellor say they will file for a temporary restraining order on Monday to try to prevent publishing executive Cathie Black from getting a waiver to fill the position.

At a protest in Brownsville, Brooklyn this morning, Councilman Charles Barron said he will continue protests against Black and resort to civil disobedience if necessary.

Barron urged parents to keep their children out of city public schools until a "qualified chancellor" is selected. He also said the state should repeal mayoral control of city schools.

"Mayoral control is out of control. The mayor is disrespectful, the mayor is abusive of the power the