Saturday, November 27, 2010

Another home visit by UCPD | THOSE WHO USE IT

Another home visit by UCPD | THOSE WHO USE IT

Another home visit by UCPD

We have received word of yet another home visit by UCPD pigs in an ongoing effort to intimidate students who were arrested and/or spoke to media at the Regents’ meeting at UCSF on November 17. This puts the verified total at 4 in the last week, and we are still looking for confirmation of another 3 possible cases. The latest case is a Berkeley undergrad who was arrested in the parking deck on the 17th and charged with obstructing an officer. On Monday, November 22nd around 9:30 am, two UCSF cops reportedly showed up to her off-campus apartment, though thankfully she was already out of town for Thanksgiving. Her building manager spoke with the officers, who told her to tell the student that they wanted to talk about “anything else [she] saw” at the meeting.

Why the hell are these pigs continuing to harass students at their homes?

What further information following a non-violent protest arrest (with vague obstruction and resisting charges at that!) could possibly be useful to any